Assessment Office

Contact Information
130 W. Main St.
P.O. Box 386
Toulon, IL 61483
Primary Phone:   (309) 286-7172
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Additional Contacts
Renee Johnson
Karmella Reining

Stark County Supervisor of Assessments Office

Click here to conduct an online property tax search

View Stark County GIS Maps


The 2023 Assessment Notices have been mailed and will be published on Friday, October 27, 2023.





The Stark County Courthouse will be closed on these days for the 2024 Calendar Year.

Monday, January 1

Monday, January 15

Monday, February 12

Monday, February 19

Monday, May 27

Wednesday, June 19

Thursday, July 4

Monday, September 2

Monday, October 14

Tuesday, November 5

Monday, November 11

Thursday & Friday, November 28, 29

Wednesday, December 25


The public is always welcome to visit the Stark County Supervisor of Assessments Office on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm or to call us at (309)286-7172, to take advantage of the many services our office has to offer.


Our office is responsible for determining the market value of properties in the county for taxation. There are approximately 6,000 parcels in Stark County. We can answer questions regarding assessments, sales of property, property ownership, building permits, zoning, GIS, or Aerial mapping.


The office maintains a listing of all property owners and their addresses and makes changes to the listing whenever a deed is recorded in the County Recorder’s office. The Real Estate Transfer Declarations that are recorded in the Recorder’s office are the primary source of sales data, which is used in determining the market value of properties in Stark County.


Property Tax Exemptions are also maintained within the Assessment office. Applications for all exemptions are available in our office. We assist in filling out these forms if needed.

Property Tax Exemptions
All exemptions require an annual renewal, except the General Homestead Exemption.

Property tax exemptions available:


  • General Homestead Exemption (Commonly called “Owner Occupied”)
  • Senior Homestead Exemption (Age 65 and over)
  • Senior Freeze Homestead Exemption (Age 65 and over, income under $65,000)
  • Home Improvement Exemption (Exempts increase in value due to improvements of a residence for 4 years. (Examples: garage, deck, addition, etc.))
  • Disabled Persons Exemption (Requires certification of disability)
  • Returning Veteran’s Exemption ( One time exemption for returning veterans)
  • Disabled Veterans Exemption (Requires certification of disability)
County Supervisor of Assessments
  1. Instructs the township assessors
  2. Prepares and maintains tax maps as well as up-to-date lists of property owners’ names, addresses, and property record cards for all real estate in the county.
  3. Serves as Clerk of the Board of Review
  4. Can revise assessment made by the township assessor
  5. Grant Exemptions.
Zoning Information

130 West Main
Toulon, IL 61483
(309) 286-7172
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Zoning Officer

Renee Johnson

Fee Schedule
  • Variance…………………….$250.00
  • Special Use Permit of Map Amendment (rezoning)…………………..$250.00
  • Text Amendment……………….$250.00
  • Appeal………………………$250.00

Building permits must be obtained from the Zoning Administrator.


  • Single family/or multiple family dwelling (Living Area)…….$0.10/sq.ft, Minimum of $150.00
  • Single Family/or multiple family addition alteration (Living Area) $0.10/sq.ft., Minimum of $75.00
  • Commercial/Industrial (Including addition/alteration/accessory structure) $0.10/sq.ft, Minimum of $250.00
  • Accessory Building (Garage attached or detached,shed,ploe barn,porch,deck) $0.05/sq.ft, Minimum of $50.00
  • Communication Towers $25.00/ft. (Measured from top of tower to top of foundation)
  • Tower Addition/alteration $1,200.00 (Permit fee to add equipment to an existing tower)


If construction starts before a building permit is issued, the fee will be increased by fifty percent(50%), and in accordance with Article XIV, Section 141.04


In addition to the above fees, the applicant shall reimburse the County for all costs of publication, prior to the date of hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals.


The Stark County Zoning and Planning Department is responsible for regulating construction activities in the county. This means if a property owner wants to build any type of structure within the county, this department should be contacted before the project begins to be certain all regulations are met.


The County Board of Supervisors adopted zoning regulation in 1969 for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare, conserving the values of property throughout the county. Zoning regulates the uses allowed on land and the location of improvements on the land.


Construction Permits are required before any construction starts. If a structure is started prior to getting a building permit there could be a fine.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a five-member citizen board organized under the zoning ordinance to hear several types of zoning issues. These include:

  1. Request for changes in zoning classification;
  2. Permission for certain uses under zoning named as “special uses” in the zoning ordinance
  3. Request for relief from specific requirements of the zoning ordinance through variance requests;
  4. Appeal of a determination made by the Zoning Administrator.
911 cover letter

How to get a 911 address in Stark County

Your 911 Address helps emergency responders find your home or business. In order to get your 911 address please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the 911 address request form required for your area. The form is generally available on our website... as a printable form or at the local office that handles the applications. (Stark County Assessment and Zoning office-130 W Main St. Toulon)
  2. Your driveway must be marked to receive your address. Please mark your driveway with a stake and white flag or cloth. (This way, I know where your driveway is actually at). I will try to get to your address just as soon as I have this form back.


Who assigns my address?

Stark County Assessor and Zoning Office have been designated as the addressing authority for Stark County except in the villages of LaFayette, Bradford and the City of Toulon, and the Town of Wyoming.  911 will assist all of these with their addressing.


Why do I need a 911 address?

In order to properly locate where a 911 call originates a structure must have an address. If you do not have a correct address it would be very difficult to locate your residence or business in an emergency.


Where should I post my 911 address?

Your address should be posted on your driveway, visible from both directions of travel. It is preferable that the numbers be at least 3 inches tall and reflective to ensure they are visible at night and emergency services can see them. This saves time locating your home in the event of an emergency.


How is the address assigned?

In order for Stark County to assign a new address, I must come to your location. Even numbers are assigned to one side of the road, odd numbers to the other. The mapping computer that I use helps assign this address based on location.


Download the 911 Cover Letter here.

E911 Application form (NEW)
Article I Zoning Ordinance
Article II-VI zoning ordinance
Article VII – XIX zoning ordinance